Old Photos of the Family

Scott stag

Over the years I have scanned many old photos from Uncle Bill, Grandma Ruth and other sources in the family.  I do not know who many of the people in the pictures are but they are ancestors in out past.  I sat with Bill a few years ago and he talked of many of the people in the Scott family and told stories of who we are and where we come from.  I have documents showing who fought in the Revolutionary War and for who, who fought in the Civil War and for which side and even some information on where in Ireland we come from.  I intend to keep some of that information here and hope to pass the rest on to someone in the family that develops an interest in the history of our family.   Please feel free to send me anything you feel is of interest in this subject.  I hope you all spend some time learning about who you are.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     Mariah  Leahy Berrigan  Brian's GGGM     Womsn with Baby     Charles J Scott and Maria Jane Barrigan Great GP GM     Gertrude Mary Scott- GF Cecil's sister     OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     Anna Scott CJS (GGF) Sister     OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA     Charles Clinton Scott - Brian G  Uncle     Sylis Aurther Wilcox     Scott Family including Dad's Dad     M Wilcox_Real tin type     Family Members_2-Wilcox     Family Members_1-Wilcox

Scott Family 1931

Scott Family 1931

Grandma Scott, Bill and Jim (Dad)

Grandma Scott, Bill and Jim (Dad)   



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